For Sites and Supervisors

Theological supervision is a distinct form of mentoring for preparation for ministry that requires skills, strategies, and knowledge. Our program relies on the generosity and commitment of sites who commit to the mutual learning that occurs when an HDS student is hosted at their organization, and students and graduates of the master of divinity (MDiv) program consistently report that participation in the Field Education Program is one of the most important elements of their educational experience while at HDS.

For prospective sites and supervisors

Our standards for excellence in the classroom apply to the sites and supervisors that host our students. Sites and supervisors interested in an ongoing relationship with HDS are accredited through an application process and year-long Supervisory Training and Consultation course taught by the assistant dean of ministry studies. Applications for site accreditation and for supervisor certification should be submitted by June 15. The composition of the course is determined during the summer preceding enrollment for the course, which begins in September.

Once a site and supervisor are approved by the Office of Ministry Studies, they will enroll in the supervisory course concurrent with the supervision of a student for the first time. This course on supervision offers an introduction to the theory and practice of mentoring students through theological field education. The course is offered free of tuition, as a part of our appreciation for the substantial contributions supervisors make in the education of HDS students. Here is a sample of the course syllabus.

According to the Boston Theological Interreligious (BTI) Consortium Policy for Field Education Sites, sites are accredited by and affiliated with only one of the BTI Consortium schools, although students from area BTI Consortium schools may apply to sites that are affiliated with another member school.

For comprehensive information on the HDS Field Education Program and compensation requirements, please see the Field Education Handbook.

New site accreditation application

The following applications for new sites and supervisors should be submitted to the Office of Ministry Studies no later than June 15 for the following academic year. Please note that interested supervisors must be full time in their current role for a minimum of one year before submitting an application for supervisor certification.

For supervisors of students using Federal Work-Study funding

Supervisors of students funded by Federal Work-Study must submit a completed OMS Agency Form (PDF) to Dawn Sorensen, Office of Ministry Studies staff assistant, at