Researching Professional Fields

In addition to job listings in the nonprofit sector, links to thousands of organizations worldwide, and includes a number of articles and tools for people interested in careers for the public good.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

More detailed information on general educational requirements, outlook for growth in a field, professional associations, and basic salary information for professions.


Information on job trends, credentials, salaries, etc., in the United States, including information by state. Compare credentials against typical credentials in a given field. Read actual job descriptions.

Chronicle Careers

News, articles, and first-person accounts on professions in academe and transitioning out of academe. Maintained by The Chronicle of Higher Education.

What Can I Do with My Degree in Religious Studies? (PDF)

This document from the McGill University Career Planning Service contains information about typical careers/jobs that can be associated with your degree as well as alternative careers that may utilize your education, skills, and experiences.

Career Overview

Provides overviews of particular professions, similar to those in the Occupational Outlook Handbook.