Ancestors & Money: The Spiritual Dimension of Reparations Work for White People


Curtis, Morgan. 2023.“Ancestors & Money: The Spiritual Dimension of Reparations Work for White People”. in Uses and Abuses of Power in Alternative Spiritualities. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.


Abstract: “Ancestors & Money: The Spiritual Dimension of Reparations Work for White People” is a learning journey for white people with class privilege committing to redistribution of money, land and power. This approach is designed as a contribution to the Black and Indigenous-led spiritually-oriented social movements fighting for reparations for colonization and enslavement. This presentation discusses the use of unearned power inherited by white people under racialized capitalism, and the potential of surrendering it in spiritually-grounded acts of repair. This pedagogy was offered as a student-led course at Harvard Divinity School in Fall 2022, and has been offered to the public four times from 2021-2023, see It weaves reparative approaches to wealth redistribution with attention to healing whiteness as a spiritual sickness, informed by nature-based rites-of-passage work, restorative justice, the Work That Reconnects, and European ancestral reclamation work as its primary communities of spiritual practice.

Presenter bio: As a facilitator, money coach, organizer and ritualist, Morgan is dedicated to working with her fellow people with wealth and class privilege towards redistribution, atonement, and repair of ancestral harms. She is in the process of redistributing 100% of her inherited wealth and 50% of her income to primarily Black- and Indigenous-led organizing and land projects. Morgan is a resident of Canticle Farm, a multi-racial, inter-faith, cross-class, intergenerational intentional community in Lisjan Ohlone territory (Oakland, CA). She is currently a Masters of Theological Studies student at Harvard Divinity School, focused on racial justice and healing.

Affiliation: Harvard Divinity School

Last updated on 04/11/2023